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Darth Durin's Baneling
Darth Durin's Baneling

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Empty Tsui Choi Respect Thread

January 28th 2023, 10:36 pm
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
Tsui Choi is a little-known but highly powerful and respected Jedi Master of the Rise of the Empire era. He is deserving of your respect.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname73


19 BBY

Tsui Choi, Roblio Darte, and Jastus Farr force Darth Vader to his knees with a continuous barrage of boulders and debris, only interrupted by the arrival of the 501st legion. Tsui Choi throws his lightsaber at Vader and it comes close enough to killing the Dark Lord that it cuts part of his mask off.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname74
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname75
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname76
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname78
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname77
-Star Wars: Purge (2005, John Ostrander, Douglas Wheatly)

Telepathy/Force Sense

33 BBY

Tsui Choi, along with the rest of the Jedi present and the rest of the Council, senses Micah Giiett's passing.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname79
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname29
-Jedi Council: Acts of War #4 (2000, Randy Stradley, Davide Fabbri)

19 BBY

Along with the rest of the Kessel Conclave, Tsui Choi senses Darth Vader’s arrival.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname80
-Star Wars: Purge (2005, John Ostrander, Douglas Wheatly)


33 BBY

Tsui Choi leaps up to a landing far above him and cuts down several Yinchorri before they can react well enough to combat him, leaving afterglows with his blade.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname83
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname81
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname82
-Jedi Council: Acts of War #2 (2000, Randy Stradley, Davide Fabbri)

22 BBY

Tsui Choi deflects blaster bolts as he, Sian Jiesel, and Kai Justiss hold off a droid assault.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname84
-Jedi: Count Dooku (2003, John Ostrander, Jan Duursema)

19 BBY

Tsui Choi flanks and blitzes a group of four Jedi-hunting Clone Troopers without any of them so much as getting a shot off, impressing Bultar Swan.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname87
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname86
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname85
-Star Wars: Purge (2005, John Ostrander, Douglas Wheatly)

Tsui Choi leaps over Vader and evades his strikes.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname88
-Star Wars: Purge (2005, John Ostrander, Douglas Wheatly)

Tsui Choi deflects and dodges the barrage of blaster bolts sent at him by the 501st troopers and leaps several meters up to strike at them.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname76
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname78
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname77
-Star Wars: Purge (2005, John Ostrander, Douglas Wheatly)

Lightsaber Combat Skill

33 BBY

Tsui Choi survives a massive off-panel battle in which he, Adi Gallia, and Theen Fida hold off a massive Yinchorri attack.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname30
-Jedi Council: Acts of War #3 (2000, Randy Stradley, Davide Fabbri)

19 BBY

Tsui Choi, Bultar Swan, Roblio Darte, Jastus Farr, Shadday Potkin, Ma’kis’shaalas, Sia-Lan Wezz, and Koffi Arana engage Darth Vader in a lightsaber duel. Darth Vader falls to their combined efforts twice, only surviving due to Koffi Arana’s enraged betrayal of Bultar Swan and the timely arrival of the 501st legion. Tsui Choi survives the longest out of all eight of the Jedi present, and he lands both of the most significant strikes against Vader, removing his right arm and part of his mask.

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Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname74
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname75
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname76
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname78
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname77
-Star Wars: Purge (2005, John Ostrander, Douglas Wheatly)


33 BBY

Tsui Choi is piloting the Jedi Shuttle transporting himself, Adi Gallia, Eeth Koth, and Theen Fida to Yinchorr, implying that he’s the best pilot of the four. He expertly evades the Yinchorri fighters’ attacks in an unarmed vessel so that in trying to hit him, they hit each other.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname31
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname95
-Jedi Council: Acts of War #1 (2000, Randy Stradley, Davide Fabbri)

Tsui Choi states that he landed the vessel “perfectly.”

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname96
-Jedi Council: Acts of War #2 (2000, Randy Stradley, Davide Fabbri)

Tsui Choi is once again the pilot, again implying superior flying skills to Adi Gallia, Eeth Koth, and Theen Fida. He maneuvers the ship to allow Micah Giiett to drop in through the side hatch, and is complimented on his “superb” piloting.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname32
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname98
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname97
-Jedi Council: Acts of War #3 (2000, Randy Stradley, Davide Fabbri)

Tsui Choi is the Jedi out of himself, Mace Windu, Adi Gallia, Eeth Koth, and K’Kruhk deemed most apt to aid Saesee Tiin at controlling the shuttle by Mace Windu.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname99
-Jedi Council: Acts of War #4 (2000, Randy Stradley, Davide Fabbri)

22 BBY

Tsui Choi leads the fighter attack on the Separatist fleet at the Battle of Kamino over Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Aayla Secura, Kossex, and two other unnamed Jedi.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname33
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname34
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname35
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname36
-Republic #50: Brothers in Arms (2003, John Ostrander, Jan Duursema)


33 BBY

Tsui Choi immediately recognizes the tactical dangers of their location, and is proven correct. He coordinates his attacks effectively with Adi Gallia.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname83
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname81
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname82
-Jedi Council: Acts of War #2 (2000, Randy Stradley, Davide Fabbri)

19 BBY

Bultar Swan notes that Tsui Choi’s insight and wisdom would be especially welcome at the Jedi Conclave on Kessel.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unnam100
-Star Wars: Purge (2005, John Ostrander, Douglas Wheatly)

Tsui Choi instantly recognizes that Shadday Potkin has inadvertently doomed the Kessel Conclave by setting up Vader’s arrival.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unnam101
-Star Wars: Purge (2005, John Ostrander, Douglas Wheatly)

Tsui Choi realizes that trying to duel Vader while he wields a cortosis blade is futile and cuts off Vader’s right arm, creating an opening for Bultar Swan to further cripple the Sith Lord.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unname94
-Star Wars: Purge (2005, John Ostrander, Douglas Wheatly)


33 BBY

Tsui Choi’s actions during the Yinchorri Uprising were worthy of distinction and put him in the running for a Jedi Council seat.

Insider #87 (2006, Daniel Wallace) wrote:An Aleena Jedi Master, Tsui Choi fought with distinction in the Yinchorri Uprising. Though he lost his Padawan, Theen Fida, during the conflict, his actions against the Yinchorri put him on the short list for promotion to the Jedi Council.
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unnam102

22 BBY

Count Dooku, on meeting Tsui Choi, Sian Jeisel, and Kai Justiss, only addresses Tsui with the honorary “master” and notes that he recalls him as an old comrade.

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unnam103
-Jedi: Count Dooku (2003, John Ostrander, Jan Duursema)

22 BBY-19 BBY

Tsui Choi was a member of the Jedi High Council at some point during the Clone Wars.

The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (2008, Pablo Hidalgo, Steven J. Sansweet) wrote:Appointed to replace fallen Masters were Agen Kolar, Stass Allie, Kit Fisto, Tsui Choi, Coleman Kcaj, and Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Tsui Choi Respect Thread Unnam104

Tsui Choi is one of the most talented and powerful Jedi of the Jedi Order, as exemplified by the clear respect given to him by his fellow Jedi (and even his enemies) and his consideration for and appointment to the Jedi High Council.

He is an exemplary duelist, able to make up for his diminutive stature with speed and agility, similarly to fellow Councilors Yoda, Yaddle, and Even Piell. He is a powerful and precise telekinetic and is at least proficient with telepathy and Force sense.

As a pilot, he numbers among the best in the Order, perhaps only a step below the very top Jedi pilots of the Clone Wars.

In his primary combat showing, Tsui Choi is far and away the most effective combatant against Vader, despite the presence of several other talented and experienced Jedi Masters.

Respect Tsui Choi!

Last edited by Darth Durin's Baneling on January 28th 2023, 10:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
Level Three
Level Three

Tsui Choi Respect Thread Empty Re: Tsui Choi Respect Thread

January 28th 2023, 10:43 pm
good job good job
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