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Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

August 24th 2019, 10:02 pm
How you can possibly construe this as taking your bait is hilarious. But back on-topic:

OT: Exar Kun >>>> Karness Muur > Karness Muur's spirit >(canonically) Darth Krayt.

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

August 24th 2019, 10:02 pm
Krayt touches Kun on his scar and blows his face apart.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

August 24th 2019, 10:05 pm
I'd like to see someone actually prove anything on this thread. The fact that Krayt's first line of defense was Jake tells me an awful lot about how much of an argument there actually is around here.

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 2:47 am
Can someone here actually support their claim when they say Krayt will win
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 3:14 am
Now that you've bumped this, I'd like to point out that Jake's claim of the hangar being on the other side of the planet or something similar, is bullshit. The hangar is literally in walking distance of the valley:

The Final Showdown wrote:They were deep in the monastery now. Even though it was in ruins, Obi-Wan could see how different it was from the Jedi Temple. Although the Sith monastery had the same goals - study and training - it was clear that this had been a place ruled by fear. The Temple had grand rooms, but it also had quiet spaces, light-filled classrooms, gardens. The Jedi believed that beauty was a part of the Force, and encouraged it. The sound of water, the play of light, the grace of a curving stairway - the Temple had been planned as a place of comfort as well as rigor.

The lines of this place were harsh. The walls were high, but narrowed slightly as they rose, in order to create a sense of being trapped. Angles were slightly off in a way that Obi-Wan realized was deliberate. The monastery was designed to intimidate, to keep beings off-balance. There were no openings to air or light. There was only cold gray stone, massive columns, hard floors. Amid the weeping stones, Obi-Wan could still feel the fear that had ruled there, the many beings who had come to learn evil, the ones who had come naively, hoping for some kind of enlightenment, and had been trapped by their own desires.

He shuddered. It was as though he could feel each wasted life. Each terrible death.

The rest of the Jedi were silent. He knew they felt it, too.

At last Ry-Gaul stepped through a doorway into what had once been a service bay. They saw Auben cowering behind the wreck of an ancient vehicle. Wordlessly, she pointed to the curved arch that led to the hangar.

The Final Showdown wrote:He paused by the wreckage of the vehicles that the mysterious Sith had moved so easily. There was a disturbance in the air, as though the dark energy of the Force still pulsed around the wall of debris. As if the Sith had vanished, but left a pool of his darkness behind.

He felt something new inside him, but he couldn't put a name to it. He looked out into the grayness of the valley, just visible past the dark outlines of his Master and the other Jedi as they conferred on the landing platform. He concentrated hard. What was he feeling?

A beating heart. A being out there - somewhere - reaching out to him? It wasn't a connection... it was a call. It was something he didn't want, but something that drew him, pulled him....

Granta Omega? Did he have the same connection as his Master did? He didn't think so. Not this time. It didn't feel right. It felt... bigger. Hidden.

The Sith.

Anakin faced out to the valley. He felt the cold wind blow against his face. The Sith was calling him.

But besides meme ship telekinesis comparisons, I'd be fine with a real argument. As far as I can see, Kun can't lose.
Level One
Level One

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 3:16 am
Kun wins.

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 4:44 am
Message reputation : 100% (2 votes)
Kun stomps R1
Kun wins R2 in a good fight
Level One
Level One

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 4:54 am
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
Stomps R2 too.

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 5:26 am
Sith Archivist wrote:Kun stomps R1
Kun wins R2 in a good fight
Level Three
Level Three

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 7:50 am
Krayt is a vastly superior character, top 5 Sith imo, but Kun sadly wins.

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 2:27 pm
Hahaha no one can provide a good case for Krayt

My boy Kun wins, Very close fight tho I’d say
Level One
Level One

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 2:28 pm
There is no case to be made for a scrub like Krayt.

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 4:16 pm
R1: Kun

R2: Krayt handily
Level One
Level One

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 4:32 pm
So I gotta know regarding Force Users their growth and Nexuses, since this was bumped. But how is one coming to the conclusion that when they grow in power that they become superior to their Nexus amped self? Is there some basis for this? I mean I get that it says or they do grow stronger, but how do you know it’s not just taking their unamped self and not their amped Nexus self?
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 6:36 pm
Problem is, Kun states that his ship-lifting isn't a serious use of his power. And this is Kun right at the start of his career as a Sith.
Level One
Level One

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 8:07 pm
I was speaking generally but alright. Yeah but Kun was on Yavin right? Which was a Nexus right? So wouldn't it not be a serious use of his power in that respect too if he was also amped? What I'm getting at is, I don't see how you justify a Force User being stronger later on off a Nexus than when they were on said Nexus unless they have feats which eclipse what they did on said Nexus.

If anything wouldn't it make more sense that a Nexus amplifies a Force User to their max or near their max potential? I mean you could also spin it that way too could you not? Unless of course they have feats which surpass what they did or if they get near the maximum potential they could do what they did off the Nexus.

So again is there some sort of justification or reasoning or whatever to suggest that a Force User as they grow in strength becomes stronger than what they were on a Nexus? Or is it just them becoming stronger on their base level when off of it?
Level Six
Level Six

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 8:10 pm
Karness Muur > Karness Muur's spirit

Pure BS
Level Three
Level Three

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 8:38 pm
Krayt ragdolls
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 8:43 pm
HellfireUnit wrote:
Karness Muur > Karness Muur's spirit

Pure BS

Right because a spirit trapped in a talisman is going to be comparable to that being wielding a Star Map's power. Makes sense.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 8:45 pm
Zenwolf wrote:I was speaking generally but alright. Yeah but Kun was on Yavin right? Which was a Nexus right? So wouldn't it not be a serious use of his power in that respect too if he was also amped? What I'm getting at is, I don't see how you justify a Force User being stronger later on off a Nexus than when they were on said Nexus unless they have feats which eclipse what they did on said Nexus.

If anything wouldn't it make more sense that a Nexus amplifies a Force User to their max or near their max potential? I mean you could also spin it that way too could you not? Unless of course they have feats which surpass what they did or if they get near the maximum potential they could do what they did off the Nexus.

So again is there some sort of justification or reasoning or whatever to suggest that a Force User as they grow in strength becomes stronger than what they were on a Nexus? Or is it just them becoming stronger on their base level when off of it?

Kun's power literally multiplies after Yavin IV. The wording Kun uses makes it clear that he'd have to go elsewhere and face Ulic to truly test his power. Which wouldn't make sense if his ship feat was amped to ungodly amounts.
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 8:46 pm
KingofBlades wrote:Krayt ragdolls

Love to see some actual substantiation. But I won't hold my breath.
Level Three
Level Three

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 8:59 pm
He ragdolls via Muur comparisons
Level One
Level One

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 9:12 pm
LadyKulvax wrote:
Zenwolf wrote:I was speaking generally but alright. Yeah but Kun was on Yavin right? Which was a Nexus right? So wouldn't it not be a serious use of his power in that respect too if he was also amped? What I'm getting at is, I don't see how you justify a Force User being stronger later on off a Nexus than when they were on said Nexus unless they have feats which eclipse what they did on said Nexus.

If anything wouldn't it make more sense that a Nexus amplifies a Force User to their max or near their max potential? I mean you could also spin it that way too could you not? Unless of course they have feats which surpass what they did or if they get near the maximum potential they could do what they did off the Nexus.

So again is there some sort of justification or reasoning or whatever to suggest that a Force User as they grow in strength becomes stronger than what they were on a Nexus? Or is it just them becoming stronger on their base level when off of it?

Kun's power literally multiplies after Yavin IV. The wording Kun uses makes it clear that he'd have to go elsewhere and face Ulic to truly test his power. Which wouldn't make sense if his ship feat was amped to ungodly amounts.

So what if he grows after Yavin? It could still just mean he becomes stronger than what he normally was off of a Nexus. Why wouldn't it make sense? I mean does he have any TK feat after that ship one that would be superior?
Suspect Hero | Level Four
Suspect Hero | Level Four

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 9:24 pm
The fact that he notes that he could only truly use his full power off of Yavin IV against Ulic denotes that the feat of ship telekinesis was itself a test of his power but didn't require his full output.

Also, when he kills Odan-Urr he's going up against someone who scales from a ritual that could move a 2,000 kilometer in diameter small planet. So yes, he's got far better.

Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

October 28th 2020, 9:55 pm
I really do not see how Krayt can be above Kun here

Vong Krayt is at best Karness Muur level
Sadow is far more powerful than Karness Muur then Freedon Nadd is far more powerful than Sadow then Exar Kun is FAR FAR above Nadd
You telling me Krayt grew THAT much after his rebirth I think judging by his feats I did grow enough to give Kun a good fight but he certainly doesn’t scale above him at all

Can someone please tell me how Krayt possibly scales above Kun. PLEASE !
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Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun - Page 3 Empty Re: Darth Krayt vs Exar Kun

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