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Chris Cortosis
Chris Cortosis

Thoughts on The New Jedi Order? Empty Thoughts on The New Jedi Order?

February 10th 2021, 8:28 pm
Message reputation : 100% (1 vote)
I recently finished the series. I've read all the Vong War stories save for A Practical Man. I really love the series. The books are awesome. Some of em are a bit of a drag but I still really love it. It ends perfectly. A lot of fans (myself included) see The Unifying Force as the end of Star Wars and I think it's a good place to end it. Of course, I still will read Dark Nest, LOTF and all that. But still. The New Jedi Order is my favorite book series in SW and in general. Never understood the hate the Vong got. I loved em as villains. They were new and something we haven't ever seen.

Here's my favorites:
Favorite book: The Unifying Force
Favorite comic series: Star Wars Chewbacca
Favorite novella: Recovery (Emissary of the Void if it counts)
Favorite Short Story: Or Die Trying
Favorite Star Wars Tales Comic: Equals and Opposites
Favorite duology: Enemy Lines
Favorite trilogy: None
Favorite character: Anakin Solo (With Jacen as a close second)

Your thoughts/favorites? If you haven't read it, do you plan to?
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